Twitter Basic Vocab:
- Tweet: Message which may include link or hashtag, 140 characters or less
- Hashtag: Word or phrase following "#" created/used as trend, search, discussion, or chat
- Retweet: To take someone's message and tweet it
- Followers: Who is following you
- Following: Who you follow
- Mention: Put someone's handle in a tweet
- Handle: Twitter name following "@"
- Favorites: Tweets marked as "favorites" for later retrieval
- Lists: A feature to organize handles without following
Twitter Account: Personal, Public, and/or Both?
- Public if you're okay with everyone seeing your profile, tweets, followers, and following
- Public if who you follow is professional and appropriate
- Public if your actions/tweets/posts are professional and appropriate
- Personal (private) if you don't want public seeing profile, tweets, followers, and following
- Personal if who you follow and/or their posts may offend someone
- Personal if you have strong opinions and your actions/tweets/posts are not school appropriate
- If you're not sure: Make account private for now
- If you're unsure: Make two accounts, one professional (public) and one personal (private)
Basic Twitter Netiquette (Common sense suggestions if your account is professional & public)
- If you wouldn't say it in a classroom, don't post it on Twitter
- If you wouldn't post it in your classroom, don't post it on Twitter
- Conversations with students should be public
- Avoid following controversial people/organizations
- Resource: Twitter Etiquette: 24 Guidelines
- Go to
- Under "New to Twitter" type Name, Email, and Password & Click Sign up
- For the next 6 settings updates, make sure you click "Save Changes" at the bottom.
- Optional: For private account (Settings, Account) Check Box "Tweet Privacy/Protect Tweets"
- Add two images: Photo (small pic) and Header (background)
- Complete profile: Location (optional), Website (optional)
- Complete profile: Bio (teacher, parent, movie-whiz, food expert, enjoy reading, biking...etc)
- Update Email preferences: For now I suggest check "All activity related to you and tweets"
- Update Email preferences: For now I suggest uncheck all in bottom two sections.
Twitter Basics & Information
- Click your name "View Profile Page" to see your public profile page
- To create a new Tweet: click blue box in top right corner
- Click "Home" to see your feed.
- The Complete Guide to Twitter:
Getting Started with Your Twitter Account
- Start by following 5-10 handles of interest (See Categories below)
- See who they follow, and follow some more handles
- Type in a hashtag of interest, click on the hashtag within a tweet, and browse the feed...
- If within the hashtag search, the tweets appear of interest, click on Tweeter and follow
- If you find the Tweet useful, RT (retweet) it, you'll have it on your "Tweets" for later
- If you don't have time to read, but it appears interesting, "favorite" it, then find it later in "favs"
- Browse, search, read, learn, apply, chat, share, and have fun!
Starter Suggestions of Who to Follow (Content/Subject)
Family & Consumer Science Teachers:
Educational Technology
English & Communication Arts Teachers:
Foreign Language Teachers:
Bilingual Teachers:
Physical Education
Health & Well-being Teachers:
Science Teachers:
Social Studies
Social Studies Teachers:
Special Education
Special Education Teachers:
Popular Starter Education Hashtags
Administration #admin #businessed #assessment #curriculum #edadmin #edpolicy #edreform
Arts #arted #artsed #artsedchat #esl #musictech #musiced
Education #edchat #globaled #pd #pln #plc #ptchat #youmatter #satchat #secondary #edleadership
Educational Technology #edtech #mlearning #classroom20 #elearning #ipaded
English #edchat #engchat #engedu #english #grammar #literacy #reading #readers #writers #writing
Languages #ellchat #languages #spanishchat
LRC #library #libraries #librarians
Mathematics #mathchat #mathematics #math #stem
Physical Education #health #physed #pechat #pegeeks
Science #scichat #physicsed #chemchat #science #stem
Social Studies #history #socialstudies #sschat #wrldchat
Special Education #spedchat #spedtech#sped #autism #assistivetech #dyslexia
Other Useful Education Twitter Resources
Cybraryman's Twitter/Education page:
Educational Hashtags:
An Educator's Guide to Twitter:
50 Educator Twitter Accounts Worth Following
Twitter Accounts by Subject:
Great Twittorials for Teachers
50 Ways to Use Twitter in the Classroom
10 Great Video Tutorials on Using Twitter in Education
18 Youtube Videos for How Educators Can Use Videos in the Classroom
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