Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How to Potty Train Your 2-Year Old with an iPad by Gary Feltman

1) Research and install iPad apps your toddler will love. Here are a few sites to get you started:
2) Let your child play with the iPad so they're hooked...

3) First thing in the morning, start sitting your child on his potty seat while letting them play on the iPad at the same time. This will help make sitting on the potty be a pleasant experience (Do this for about 2-4 weeks). 

4) When they get accustomed to sitting on the potty while playing the iPad: explain that in order to play the iPad they need to do their business on the potty...This is not easy; don't back down.

5) When your child goes on the potty, make a BIG deal! Then allow them to play with the iPad for a long time in the morning.

6) This morning routine will slowly turn into a reward several times per day. Each time your child goes on the potty, reward with iPad time. (Start with large time increments, eventually decreasing)

7) Before you know it, your child's only objective will be to use the potty for iPad time...success!

Suggestions and other notes:

  • Purchase an Otterbox (shatter/drop resistant case) for the iPad
  • Read potty books to your child to help make the connection
  • Continue adding new iPad apps your child will love
  • If your child doesn't go; don't give in and let them play...stay strong.
  • Make a HUGE celebration every time your child goes potty.
  • Use "big kid pants" as another motivator.
  • Good luck!

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